Title: Colorado Homeschool Program Soars Amid Pilot Shortage
In response to a growing national pilot shortage, a unique program founded by Richelle McKim in Castle Rock, Colorado, is training aspiring aviators right from their homes. The Summit Homeschool Academy—established during the pandemic for her son Bryson McKim—now offers a specialized aviation pathway that enables students to earn both private and commercial pilot licenses by high school graduation.
Bryson discovered his passion for flying three years ago during a flight with a family friend. Realizing the potential in the aviation field, his mother launched the program to help him—and other local homeschoolers—fulfill their dreams in aviation. The academy currently supports approximately 200 students and collaborates with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, providing unique concurrent enrollment credits that cover flight lessons.
This year, 19 students participated in the aviation pathway, receiving a $2,400 credit towards flight training at Aspen Flying Academy, situated at Centennial Airport. "It brings the importance of what they’re studying in the classroom to life and inspires them to pursue a career," Richelle said.
Bryson, now 16, has already accumulated around 50 flight hours and is on track to obtain his private pilot’s license soon. Cheyenne Kraft, one of his instructors, emphasized the rewarding experience of guiding students from their first flight to flying solo. "It’s rewarding to take someone from no experience to being able to fly," Kraft stated.
The deadline for applications for the 2025 program is February 15, inviting all homeschoolers in grades 10 to 12 to apply. With only 25 spots available per class, Richelle McKim’s initiative is creating a new generation of pilots, addressing a critical gap in the aviation industry while igniting passions for flight. For more information, visit summitha.com.