Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Colorado Representative Jason Crow strongly criticizes the proposal to utilize Aurora’s Buckley Space Force Base for immigrant detention purposes

Democratic U.S. Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado has expressed his opposition to reports that the Trump administration planned to use Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora as part of mass deportation efforts. Crow, whose district includes Aurora, stated that involving the military in domestic immigration enforcement is disrespectful to their duties and service. He emphasized his commitment to opposing such actions in Congress and providing vigorous oversight.

Reports indicated that ICE planned to stage and process criminal aliens at Buckley for a deportation operation in Colorado, but plans were temporarily called off. The Colorado Rapid Response Network confirmed increased immigration enforcement activity across the state. Critics have condemned the planned actions, calling them unconstitutional and insulting to the commitment of service members.

Supporters of the increased enforcement argue that immigration laws must be enforced and blame the Biden administration policies for the influx of immigrants in Colorado. Crow emphasized the need to distinguish between violent criminal offenders and law-abiding members of the community and criticized the mass deportation efforts as targeting innocent individuals.

The news of Buckley Space Force Base’s potential involvement in immigration enforcement sparked concerns and backlash from various groups and politicians in Colorado. Crow’s strong stance against militarizing immigration enforcement reflects a growing sentiment of opposition to the Trump administration’s policies and tactics within the state.

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