Major League Soccer has announced significant changes to roster rules and regulations ahead of the 2025 season, including the formation of an intra-league transfer market where teams can trade cash for players without impacting their general allocation money. Players involved in deals related to this new cash-trading economy will also receive 10 percent of the transfer fee.
The ability to trade cash for players introduces a new way for teams to acquire and trade players within MLS, allowing for more flexibility in squad building and maintenance. This change aims to create positive movement opportunities for players, aligning MLS’s player movement standards with international norms.
Additionally, the summer transfer window has been shifted to July 24 to August 21, giving teams more time to compete in the global market and find potential replacements for players in demand. Other changes include allowing young players more opportunities to play in league matches and cup competitions, removing the expiration date on general allocation money, and allowing for a second contract buyout per season.
Overall, these changes aim to provide teams with greater flexibility in roster management and player movement, potentially leading to increased investment in youth development and more competitive transactions within MLS. The changes have been well-received by owners and chief soccer officers and are expected to have a positive impact on player movement and team strategies in the upcoming season.
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