YouTube star MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, is facing a lawsuit alongside Amazon Studios from five contestants in the upcoming reality show “Beast Games.” The plaintiffs allege mistreatment, harassment, and unsafe conditions during the production of the show. They claim to be considered employees rather than contestants and dispute their wages. The lawsuit cites a production guide encouraging obscenities and alleged lack of access to basic necessities like food and water.
The legal battle revolves around the classification of the contestants as employees under California law. The plaintiffs’ attorney argues that if they meet the definition of an employee, their titles do not matter. Amazon Studios and MrBeast declined to comment on the allegations. A previous employee, Jake Weddle, also accused MrBeast of mental abuse during a 100-day challenge, echoing previous allegations of racism and inappropriate comments made by the YouTube star.
MrBeast’s spokesperson addressed the past allegations by acknowledging Donaldson’s mistakes as a teenager and highlighting his efforts to make a positive impact as an adult. The lawsuit, combined with previous accusations, raises questions about the treatment of individuals in the entertainment industry and sheds light on the challenges faced by influencers with large followings. CBS News correspondent Carter Evans has been reporting on the story, providing a platform for the plaintiffs to share their experiences and seek justice through the legal system.
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