Keegan-Michael Key will star as B-127 in the upcoming film “Transformers One,” the origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron. The film, distributed by Paramount Pictures, explores the friendship turned rivalry between the two characters, with Key’s B-127 teaming up with Elita, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. Key described the voice of B-127 as his own but a younger, more energetic version, created in collaboration with the director.
Key revealed his approach to voicing action scenes, explaining that he physically acts out movements like lifting weights or throwing punches to add realism. Bumblebee’s character in the film starts at the lowest level in the universe, but remains optimistic and makes the best of every situation, a quality that Key found inspiring.
In addition to his role in “Transformers One,” Key hinted at a fun Easter egg in the film related to his popular Key & Peele sketch, “Substitute Teacher.” The film is set to be released on September 20th, promising intense action scenes and an exploration of the iconic characters’ backstory. Fans can look forward to Key’s energetic performance as B-127 and enjoy the nod to his comedic past in the film.
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