Supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris in Denver, Colorado, gathered at watch parties hosted by Colorado Black Women for Political Action and Colorado Latinas for Kamala Harris to celebrate her historic nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Jamie Jackson, Vice President of CBWPA, emphasized the significance of Harris’s nomination in opening doors of opportunity for future generations, especially the youth. Attendees were energized by the DNC speakers’ messages, particularly the emphasis on not regressing on issues like reproductive rights. Jackson stressed that while the convention was inspiring, it also served as a call to action for the community to continue working towards progress. She emphasized the need for people to be actively engaged in activities like canvassing, phone banking, voter registration, and overall civic participation. The message was clear that the watch party was just the beginning, and there is still a lot of work to be done leading up to the 2024 election and beyond. As the political landscape continues to evolve, the engagement and dedication of individuals like those who attended the watch party will be crucial in driving meaningful change and shaping the future of the country.
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